September 29, 2021

Connecting with Female Wealth Creators and Inheritors

Ella Chase, co-founder of Wellth Works and a sixth-generation inheritor within a family enterprise, uniquely understands the advisor-client relationship for HNW women. Ella will discuss tactical tools to improve advisor relationships with clients and their family members so that advisors can “stick with the family,” and she’ll address and debunk common assumptions about female clients.

Ella Chase

As a successful executive and asset recipient from a 100-plus-year family, Ella Chase has a unique perspective on navigating the complexities of multi-generational wealth preparation and transfer. Ella is the co-founder of Wellth Works, a preeminent consultancy and coaching agency for emerging and established female family leaders.

Ella is a dynamic speaker and a recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations, and organizational turnaround. She is a certified Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) professional coach and a Northeastern University alumnus, having graduated summa cum laude with dual bachelor’s degrees. Prior to co-founding Wellth Works in 2017, Ella worked as a sales consultant for Fortune 500 companies and private enterprises, closing more than $1 billion in sales during her tenure in that role.